Made Ready

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One Year Blogversary

Woah! I seriously cannot believe it's already been one year since I took that scary leap of faith and turned my dream into a reality! Starting this blog has been one of my most favorite adventures to date! From being able to share some of my favorite products to bringing you all along on my journey over the last year, this outlet, has brought me true happiness and freedom. All of which wouldn't be possible without each and everyone one you of sweet people who take the time to read my story. So I'm shouting a big huge thank you from the bottom of my heart- ya'll are the best!

You all know how much of a beauty junkie, fashion lover, shopping addict that I am, so it's really no surprise that writing about said things, is one of my favorite topics to discuss! I truly enjoy make up and the creativity that it gives you. And lately, I've been getting even more into fashion and have been having so much fun putting outfits together! I think I'll always love sharing my favorite products and purchases with you guys, and I mean what kind of friend would I be if I didn't share the love??

But putting all that fun stuff aside, I had no idea what kind of year I was in for when I wrote that first blog. I started out twenty-seven on such a high but unfortunately the year had other plans for me. And although, it was an incredibly difficult year, I am so grateful I had this platform to share my struggles. Being able to be open and honest about my diagnosis of PCOS, battle with anxiety and depression, and experiencing my first miscarriage, has helped heal my broken heart. And I never expected to also benefit from just being so raw and vulnerable with not only the people I love but also with those who I've never even met. 

The year of twenty-seven may have not been my best, but great things did come out of this last year. Soul on Fire being at the top of the list, of course. This year also brought me a new city with new friends, who brought me closer to Jesus through our small group. Two new jobs also allowed me to meet wonderful people in both places, some of whom have become close friends. A new cozy apartment, a new SUV ( that I can't wait to fill with nuggets ), and a new downtown that I've fallen in love with. 

This year also strengthened long distance friendships and gave us new places to visit. My faith has grown stronger than ever before. And my strength and will to overcome continues to amaze even myself. Our marriage has seen some tough days as we've joined the trying to conceive with infertility issues and history of miscarriage club that no one ever wants to be a part of. But we're in it, together, and stronger for it. And I'm confident we will win this fight, because I'm a fighter by nature and giving up is not an option.

Although this year brought some of the lowest of lows, it also set us up for the highest of highs. And man, we are so ready for those highs. Twenty-seven had its purpose and it taught me to fly. Twenty-eight is a new year and a fresh start. I'm going into it stronger, eager to learn, and ready to soar. 

Cheers to one year down and many more to go! Can't wait for the adventures to come!

-xoxo, M.