Neutral Farmhouse Inspired Nursery

For as long as I can remember, I have dreamt about the day that I would get to decorate a nursery and I’m not going to lie- I always pictured a little girl’s nursery! When we found out we were having a boy, I remember thinking that I had no idea what the heck I was going to do with his nursery because boy stuff is just not something I’m used to. I am the girliest girly girl and although there is nothing wrong with doing an all blue nursery or a super boy theme- like sports or cars- it’s just not me. Thankfully we live in a Joanna Gaines world and neutrals are everything these days, especially in our farmhouse themed home!

I knew that I could still make his nursery as perfect as I’ve always imagined it and so the inspiration began! Of course, I started where every girl starts when looking for inspo- Pinterest! I was excited to see so many neutral themed nurseries and was able to gain some ideas for what I envisioned our little man’s nursery to look like. It’s funny because often times I will tell my husband “my vision” and he just doesn’t see it but he always goes along with me anyways. And of course, after it’s all said and done he’s always all about it! I’m sure he was wondering what his son’s room was going to look like when I started talking whites, cremes, light grays, and picked out the first piece of decor- a wooden wreath with light greenery that I found at the UrbanFarmgirl Market.



Then came the hunt for the perfect light fixture and I knew it had to be special! I looked at so many chandeliers and would often ask my friends + family, “is this too girly?” Often times the answer was, “kinda” or “I think it could still work”. Haha! No one wanted to let me down but looking back now, I’m glad I didn’t go with one of the bigger chandeliers I was looking at. His nursery is very small and I think a huge chandelier would have overcrowded the space. I was beyond excited when I stumbled upon the beaded Dahlia flushmount from PotteryBarn. It was truly a love at first sight moment and I new I NEEDED it. Now to convince my husband that we needed a very overpriced light for our baby boy’s room when said baby boy probably could care less what his room looks like! Haha hey you know what they say right- happy wife, happy life? This saying is especially true in pregnancy, those hormones be raging!



As soon as the light was installed, I knew that my dream nursery was slowly but surely coming together! The beaded light fixture gave it a special touch without being too flashy and I knew it would be a focal point in the room that would tie the whole space together. As the decorating continued, I kept envisioning a neutral space that felt light and airy but also warm and cozy. I wanted it to radiate peace and calming and truly be a special place that I could just hold my son and cherish all the happiness that I knew he would bring me.

The first piece of furniture we bought was the crib and it’s exactly what I was picturing in my head. I knew I wanted it to be white and to have a vintage feel. I didn’t want it to look like most modern cribs with wood planks and I love that the one we picked out has the ability to convert into a toddler bed for when the time comes! I also love that its gender neutral and would look just as good in a little girl’s nursery if that day ever comes!

And then of course, I knew in order to truly make the room my ultimate dream nursery- we needed a ship lap wall. Because what neutral farmhouse themed nursery doesn’t have a ship lap wall?? I honestly didn’t know the first thing about how to accomplish this goal and neither did my husband (don’t be mad at me babe but it’s the truth)! Thankfully my husband’s best friend is an electrician and also happens to be really good at stuff like this and they were able to get the wall up in just a few hours! Then my husband and I primed the wall, painted it twice, and did last minute touches to the trim. Oh and mind you, I was like 36 weeks pregnant when we did all of this because we are two of the biggest procrastinators and didn’t start the nursery until way late in my third trimester…. definitely do not recommend that. However, I could not be happier with the way the wall turned out and seriously wish my entire house was filled with ship lap walls!



Once the wall was put up, it was time to start arranging all the furniture, putting up the shelves, picking out the perfect rug, and finishing up buying a couple pieces of decor. I wanted to keep everything very simple and minimal without it feeling too bare and thankfully the ship lap wall was enough of a stand out piece that I didn’t feel the need to crowd the walls with too much! In the end, I’m so happy with how my little boy’s nursery turned out and it truly is perfect and exactly how I always dreamt it would be.



When we first bought our house, I knew that this room would be the nursery or at least I had hoped that we would get the opportunity one day. I would often stand in the door way and imagine where the crib would go or where I would put the glider that I would rock my baby to sleep in. But as time would continue to pass with negative pregnancy test after negative pregnancy test, standing in that door way became a constant reminder of dreams that weren’t coming true. Of hope that was starting to feel hopeless. A place I used to stand and smile at what could be turned into a place where I wept at what had become. I found myself wanting to keep the door shut so I didn’t have to face all that we didn’t have or maybe never would.

Towards the end of last year I decided to try and change my mindset and start accepting where we were at in our journey. I decided to open that door, clear out the room, and turn it into my own little space. I bought a desk that I would use as my vanity and imaged how I could also use this space to write. A few weeks later we found out I was pregnant. Ironic? Or maybe this was HIS plan all along. He just needed me to let go and trust that his timing is always perfect.

After finding out I was pregnant, I remember returning to the doorway but this time with happy tears and a whole lot of hope. And now? Well now I stand there and watch in awe as my perfect sweet little boy lays in his crib and my heart has never been more full. I’ll forever be grateful for this doorway and the view looking in for all that it signifies now and all that it will in the many days to come.



I hope you enjoyed a peak inside the doorway of my favorite room in the house. It’s everything I ever dreamed of and so much more! Furniture + Decor items linked below!

-xoxo, M.