Taking a leap, Part two.

Last Wednesday, I walked into a stranger's home filled with ten women I'd never met before. It was going to be my first time attending a Life Group through the new church my husband and I attend. To say I was nervous is a total understatement. Anyone that really knows me, knows I definitely fall under the introvert category. The stay home in your pj's where it's safe and you don't have to socialize category. So walking into a room with a bunch of people I've never met was a huge thing for me. I was about to put myself out there and in one of the most personal ways- talking about my faith. The thought of that alone was enough to freak me out and think about turning my car around about a dozen times. But this little voice inside my head told me to keep driving, that this was something I needed to do. The same little voice that had been pulling at my heart strings to join a Life Group for quite some time. But the fear of the unknown kept me away, until now. 

As I walked through that front door, I took a huge leap of faith, and left my fears behind me. I sat around a circle of women who instantly made me feel comfortable. As the hours went by, I quickly began to see how genuine these women are and how much they care for one another. I also felt inspired as I heard each of them discuss their faith and the topic we were going over for that week. Although I have other friends who I know believe in God, I've never had friends who openly discuss their faith in this way. It was a breath of fresh air I never knew I needed. 

I left that night feeling like my heart was full. Like this was going to be the beginning of something really great. I left feeling excited about diving deeper into God's word and finding out how my life could change as a result of it. I left feeling thankful for the little voice that kept planting seeds in my mind. And I left feeling extremely proud of myself for doing something I never thought I would do. For putting myself out there, for being vulnerable in a very raw way. 

All of this got me thinking about the times in our lives that we want to do something we've never done but fear the unknown. We dream about the possibilities, about what could be but never see it through because we're scared to take that leap. 

Maybe for you its quitting your job or changing careers entirely? Maybe it's leaving the familiarity of your surroundings for something new? Maybe it's having the courage to ask someone out? Or to take that next step in your relationship? Maybe it's about wanting  to join a Life Group or maybe it's about wanting to walk into a church for the first time? 

Whatever your leap is, I pray that you take it. 

That you take the leap and leave your fears at the door.

Because regardless of the outcome, having the courage to take the leap is when you start to see your life change. And when your life changes, the lives of those around you begin to change.

And that my friends, is something really beautiful